Raynforcement: Transforming Digital Experiences with Synthetic Data

We said we know the digital world like the back of our palms.

Nov 13, 2023

2 min read


We said we know the digital world like the back of our palms. And this is what we mean: We have over 15 years of experience in the ad tech world, and we’ve built and deployed multiple innovation technologies that are just the status quo today. Privacy is in our DNA. Working with DSPs, SSPs, Publishers, Agencies, Brands, Identity and all the tech that comes with it has been our reality. 

We’ve built scalable software, which was deployed by thousands of companies both on the privacy side as well as on the ad tech side of things. 

What does Rayn stand for?

Rayn believes that advertising and marketing can be applied differently and it can be again about creativity and finding the right solutions for media owners. We want to change the current narrative around advertising and marketing and bring back good-quality data. No more tracking. Privacy for real. Even better outcomes. Just great digital experiences. 

Rayn believes data can be used differently, ethically, and successfully and we are driving this change Rayndrop by Rayndrop.

Where do we fit in this world? Where does Rayn stand in the programmatic ecosystem?

Rayn is here to help Agencies & Brands, Media owners and Publishers, and E-commerce platforms grow their business. We help you better understand your readers, users, gamers, and listeners to create better digital experiences. No matter what type of content you produce, distribute, or where: Audio, Video, Text, Images, Gaming. Our AI-powered solutions deliver the best results for marketers, and with our next-gen privacy features, we will leave you wondering why it was ever different. So be different. Your customers/brands will love you even more when you work with us.




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